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Jual Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK (POWDER) di Banjarmasin

Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK (POWDEGRANUL(BIJI-BIJIAN)


Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK  Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK3

Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK4Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK5Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK6

PT Toko Mesin Maksindo menjual Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk Bubuk . Mesin ini bisa Anda gunakan untuk mengemas produk berbentuk bubuk. Beberapa contoh produk bentuk powder : Gula pasir, bubuk kopi, susu bubuk, krimer, bubuk coklat campuran, bubuk jamu, serbuk daun teh, serbuk fiber pelangsing, serbuk sari buah, serbuk minuman suplemen, serbuk jelly, tepung agar-agar, MSG, sodium cyclamate, bubuk pewarna makanan, bubuk bumbu dapur, tepung penyedap rasa, tepung beras, bubuk deterjen, bedak parfum (deodorant), pupuk majemuk, dan lain-lain.

Beberapa contoh bentuk butiran : camilan / makanan kering, biskuit, makaroni, biji kopi, kacang tanah, biji kacang-kacangan, rempah-rempah, permen bulat, pil jamu, dan lain-lain.

Tipe :   MSP-125 3SS

Product                                               :   Kopi Max. 30 Gram

                                                                Serbuk Minuman 30 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   3 Side Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 120 Mm, L = 50 – 170 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Cup, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 655 × 675 × 1.675 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 60 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe:   MSP-125 4SS

Product                                               :   Kopi Max 50 Gram

Jamu Max 30 Gram

Gula Restoran Max 50 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   4 Side Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 120 Mm, L = 50 – 170 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Cup, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 655 × 675 × 1.675 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 60 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe :   MSP-125 CS

Product                                               :   powder up to 50 gram

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 120 Mm, L = 50 – 170 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Cup, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 655 × 675 × 1.675 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 60 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Relay By omron

photo sensor by autonic korea

Tipe :   MSP-165 CS

Product                                               :   Kopi Max 100 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 160 Mm, L = 50 – 200 Mm

System                                                :   Stainlesteel 304 Contack Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 1.930 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 60 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe :   MSP-200 CS Jumbo

Product                                              :   Gula Max 1000 Gram

Kiripik 100 Gram

Snack 100 Gram

Kopi Max 250 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 190 Mm, L = 50 – 300 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Hole, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 2.750 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 40 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe :   MSP-165 CS Jumbo

Product                                               :   Kopi Max 200 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 190 Mm, L = 50 – 280 Mm

System                                                :   Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 2.750 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE Dan bahan kertas packing lain yang dapat dieratkan

dengan panas

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 60 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS,  Relay By omron photo sensor by automatic korea

Tipe                                                    :   MSP-200 Auger

Product                                               :   Tepung, Powder Max 1000 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 190 Mm, L = 50 – 300 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Hole, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 2.750 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 40 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe                                                    :   MSP-200B

Product                                               :   Kopi Max 25 Biji

Pentol Bakso Tergantung Diameter Pentol

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 190 Mm, L = 50 – 300 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Hole, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 2.750 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 20 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe :   Horizontal


Product                                               :   Sejenis Chocolatos

Series                                                  :   Horizontal Packaging Machine

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal

Packaging Size                                   :   Max W = 40 Mm, L = 70 Mm, H = 30 Mm

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 800 × 3.650  × 1.500 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   60 – 100 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 Single Phase / 2.800 Watt

Machine Weight                                  :   1.000 Kg

Tipe :   MSP-300CS

Product                                               :   Kedelai Maksimal s/d 320 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   Center Seal Dengan Volumetrik Cup

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 180 Mm, L = 50 – 300 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Cup Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 800 × 600 × 1.750 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 30 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea

Tipe :   MSP-250 4SS

Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK12

Product                                               :   Abon 100 Gram

Seal Type                                            :   4 Side Seal dan Valumetrik Cup

Machine Type                                     :   Vertical Sachet

Seal Dimension                                   :   W = 40 – 300 Mm, L = 50 – 250 Mm

System                                                :   Volumetrik Cup Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product

Machine Dimension                            :   W × L × H = 800 × 600 × 2.000 Mm

Packaging Materials                           :   AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE

Operating Speed                                 :   Maximal 50 Pack / Min

Supply Voltage                                    :   220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz

Power  Requirement & Electric Part   :   1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder

Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea


Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK (POWDER)

Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk BUBUK (POWDER), Granule, Seed




Contoh bahan berwujud bubuk (powder), granule / biji-bijian, chip, :

Beberapa contoh produk bentuk powder : Gula pasir, bubuk kopi, susu bubuk, krimer, bubuk coklat campuran, bubuk jamu, serbuk daun teh, serbuk fiber pelangsing, serbuk sari buah, serbuk minuman suplemen, serbuk jelly, tepung agar-agar, MSG, sodium cyclamate, bubuk pewarna makanan, bubuk bumbu dapur, tepung penyedap rasa, tepung beras, bubuk deterjen, bedak parfum (deodorant), pupuk majemuk, dan lain-lain.

Beberapa contoh bentuk butiran : camilan / makanan kering, biskuit, makaroni, biji kopi, kacang tanah, biji kacang-kacangan, rempah-rempah, permen bulat, pil jamu, dan lain-lain.

Model Center Seal (Pillow Pack)

  • Tipe : AW 6035 SR
  • Produk : Powder, Seed, Granule, Chips
  • Tipe Seal : Continues Strap,  Center Seal (pillow pack)
  • Model mesin : vertikal
  • Dimensi seal : W: 50 – 140 mm, L: 50 – 160 mm
  • Berat Produk : Up to 250 gram
  • Dimensi mesin : 690x700x1770 mm
  • Material packing : AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE and other packing paper that can be attached by heat
  • Kescpatan / Kapasitas : 50 – 80 pack / min
  • Listrik : 1,4 kVA / 18 amps, 220/380V, 1ph/ 3ph, Neutral 50 Hz
  • Harga : Kontak Kami


 Model 3 Side Seal


  • Tipe : AW 6035 3SS
  • Produk : Powder, Seed, Granule
  • Tipe Seal : Continues Strap,  3 Side Seal
  • Model mesin : vertikal
  • Dimensi seal : W: 50 – 140 mm, L: 50 – 160 mm
  • Berat Produk : Up to 50 gram
  • Dimensi mesin : 690x700x1770 mm
  • Material packing : AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE and other packing paper that can be attached by heat
  • Kecepatan / Kapasitas : 50 – 80 pack / min
  • Listrik : 1,4 kVA / 18 amps, 220/380V, 1ph/ 3ph, Neutral 50 Hz
  • Harga : Kontak Kami

Model 4 Side Seal

  • Tipe : AW 6035 4SS
  • Produk : Powder, Seed, Granule
  • Tipe Seal : Continues Strap, 4Side Seal
  • Model mesin : vertikal
  • Dimensi seal : W: 50 – 140 mm, L: 50 – 160 mm
  • Berat Produk : Up to 50 gram
  • Dimensi mesin : 690x700x1770 mm
  • Material packing : AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE and other packing paper that can be attached by heat
  • Kecepatan / Kapasitas : 50 – 80 pack / min
  • Listrik : 1,4 kVA / 18 amps, 220/380V, 1ph/ 3ph, Neutral 50 Hz
  • Harga : Kontak Kami

Berat Produk 500 – 1000 gram (kemasan agak besar)

Berat Produk Hingga 500 gram

  • Tipe : AW 603 Jumbo
  • Produk : Powder, Seed, Granule, Chips
  • Tipe Seal : Continues Strap,  Center Seal (pillow pack)
  • Model mesin : vertikal
  • Dimensi seal : W: 50 – 160 mm, L: 50 – 200 mm
  • Berat Produk : Up to 500 gram
  • Dimensi mesin : 765x710x1930 mm
  • Material packing : AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE and other packing paper that can be attached by heat
  • Kescpatan / Kapasitas : 40-100 pack / min
  • Listrik : 1,6 kVA / 18 amps, 220/380V, 1ph/ 3ph, Neutral 50 Hz
  • Harga : Kontak Kami


Berat Produk Hingga 1000 gr

  • Tipe : CA 15 M jumbo
  • Produk : Powder, Seed, Granule, Chips
  • Tipe Seal : Continues Strap,  Center Seal (pillow pack)
  • Model mesin : vertikal
  • Dimensi seal : W: 100-120 mm, L: 100-280 mm
  • Berat Produk : Up to 1000 gram
  • Dimensi mesin : 770x710x2000 mm
  • Material packing : AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE and other packing paper that can be attached by heat
  • Kescpatan / Kapasitas : 40-70 pack / min
  • Listrik : 1,6 kVA / 18 amps, 220/380V, 1ph/ 3ph, Neutral 50 Hz
  • Harga : Kontak Kami

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